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Compass Pointe Veterans
Giving credit where credit is due has finally happened for a 96-year-old Oak Island veteran. That credit meant John Zebraski, the oldest living Veteran of Oak Island Elks Lodge #2769, finally got the opportunity to receive recognition for his service via a trip on the Honor Flight.
Honor Flight of the Cape Fear Area (HFCFA) is a recently established local hub of the Honor Flight Network, a national network whose mission is to transport America’s veterans free-of-charge to visit memorials as a show of appreciation to those who have served and sacrificed for their country
Honor Flight of the Cape Fear Area (HFCFA) honors veterans from World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War by taking them on an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. to see the monuments built in their honor. HFCFA also welcomes veterans with terminal illnesses from any era to join as well.